For those who want more than the first set of FasTrack example layouts, we present another 24 layout designs using the FasTrack system.
These are typically larger, more complex layouts, ranging in size from 12 x 10 ft up to 50 x 24 ft with multiple track loops. As with the first set of FasTrack examples, all these layouts using Lionel Modern era accessories. These layouts feature O72 curve minimum radius unless otherwise stated.
You can purchase the Lionel FasTrack Example Layouts from R & S Enterprises for $19. They come on a CD complete with an explanatory help file and an installer designed to interface with RR-Track v4.02. A copy of RR-Viewerv4.1 is included on the CD with viewer libraries that display all of the FasTrack O examples (these libraries are not compatible with RR-Track v4.x). RR-Viewer v4.1 allows the user to display in both 2D and 3D any of these layouts, study their component list, and print them (changing them with RR-VIewer is not supported). If already own a copy of RR-Track with the Lionel FasTrack O and Lionel Modern accessories libraries, you can then use RR-Track to modify these layout designs as needed.